
Thursday 2 July 2015

My June 2015

Hello everyone!

Sixth month of the new year to look back at! Here is just a little recap of my June! :)  Hope you like this little overview!

  • Got to go to the cinema twice and saw Jurassic World and The Minions Movie
  • FINALLY finished A Feast for Crows in the ASOIAF series, so now onto the last book - a Dance With Dragons!
  • Had another dinner date with Nicola and you can see that episode here
  • Dad and Ash worked on the shed roof for a few days and they managed to sort it out before the rain started!
  • Got two of my work shifts messed up, two weeks in a row...
  • Massive heat wave has happened here in the UK
  • Got a Steam account and I am obsessed with Eldevin and Four Kings Casino
  • Bought a heap of skirts for summer and they're all so lush
  • All of my TV shows ended this month, so I'm at a loss of things to watch!
  • TV I've watched: Game of Thrones, Top Gear, Gogglebox, Family Guy
  • Films I've watched:  Jurassic World, Minions Movie, Star Wars: A New Hope,  
  • What I've been reading: A Feast For Crows, A Dance With Dragons

Got my American candy and never been so happy | Smoothie time! | Fajita cooking

Getting ready for the day | New outfits | Shoe clear out 2.0
With the sister | With the best friend 

Shed fixing! | Selfie | Obsessed with Poker

Bed selfie | Geeky treats! | Another Saturday alone in the canteen...

Want to watch what I've been up to this month? Check out the vlog!

Well that is it for my month overall, and the sixth month of 2015! A good year so far! I hope you enjoyed this catch-up post from June! Have a great day and keep safe :)

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  1. I love posts like these, super easy to read and loving the pics. xx


    1. It's just a nice quick way to have a look at the month isn't it :) xx


Thank you for dropping by my blog! I read all my comments, and will try and reply when I can!