
Monday 1 April 2024

April 2024 Wishlist

Phew, this year is going quickly again isn't it - can't believe it's April already! January felt like a whole year in itself, but the last 2 months went by so fast.

Anyway, moving on to today's post - a wishlist. I've not made one of these for sooo long, so this is overdue... But here is my current wishlist for the time being!

As you can see, I'm in a bit of a pastels phase! I think it's the fact it's springtime and I'm loving all the colours that are starting to show up.

What's on your wishlist for April? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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  1. I have those highlighters and love them!!!

    1. I have the mini versions, so I really want the larger size now! x


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