Monday 25 April 2016

I Went 9 Hours Without The Internet And I Didn't Die

I had a rare Saturday off work this weekend as I was up in London to celebrate a birthday! We walked around Charing Cross area, Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly and Covent Garden, before having dinner at Big Easy.

It was also St. George's day and the day before the London Marathon, so it was crowded. We done a lot of walking and I tried to take some pictures, but I kinda forgot about my camera until we'd walked around for an hour and then again at the restaurant.

Here are some of the pictures I did manage to snap...

It wasn't until we were on the train back that I noticed I'd not touched my phone since we'd left home at lunchtime.

I'd not tweeted, done an Instagram, Facebook status, and not even a whatsapp to my sister. I didn't die from lack of internet!! What's even more unusual for me is that I didn't even care. Usually I'm constantly worrying that my social media is going quiet or my twitter feed is all promo tweets (which it was on Saturday!) But I didn't care at all.

I am a person who is always attached to a device of sorts and interacting with other bloggers and I thought that if I didn't do anything pro-active on the sites, then shit would go down. Well not exactly, but you know the feeling I'm on about??

It was just so nice to unhook for a while and not be refreshing timelines every 60 seconds in case I miss something. So I went a whole nine - nearly ten - hours away from social media and I didn't die. Nothing bad happened.

I think I'm going to try and do this more often as it was lovely to be away from it all and have a break!! Do you know the feeling I'm on about? When was the last time you were away from the internet all day? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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  1. Woop! Love to see people visiting my home town :D Glad you had such a fun day that you didn't even contemplate getting your phone out - they're the best days! x

    Xtina G Says..

    1. I didn't know that was your home town!! I'm only an hour south of London, but I've not been in ages!! I still didn't check my phone on the train, I only popped online when I was home and I'd not missed it at all :) xx

  2. I've been contemplating doing a week of this for a while. But I may have to try and start with a day and see how it goes before I go full cold turkey for a week ;) I'm glad it worked out well for you, we think we rely on technology but we don't ALWAYS need it, especially for social media.


    1. I think I could do a whole day here and there, but a week would kill me! It was honestly so refreshing :) I could go off social media for a few days and not worry about I think, so that might be next!! xx

  3. I can't remember the last time I was away from social media for a whole day! But I do tend to avoid Twitter during the working day as I don't have time to keep up with it, so that's 8 hours. But I'll still check in on Facebook, and sometimes Instagram. I think we all need some time away, to unplug. I should make more of an effort really! x x

    1. I think I'll try and do this each week just for a day or at least for a large portion of the day :) It's nice to just sit back and do something else! xx

  4. I need to try and do this more often too, I always feel like I'm missing out on something if I don't check every 10 minutes, it's bad. Definitely going to try and stay away from it for longer in the future. xx


    1. It is just the best feeling to go without it!! Even a few hours without it today was nice! :) xx

  5. What a lovely post dear :) it's important to stay away from Internet, social media & co.
    Stay with friends and family ! Internet it's helpful to connect with people and what we love (blogging! <3) but it's only a part of our life ! xx

    1. Thank you lovely :) It's nice to just back away and be in 'the real world' for a time and not focus on a screen!! Blogging is a big part of my life so I'm always connected! xx

  6. sounds like you had such a lovely day, you took some fab pictures too! I love days where you're having so much fun you forget to check your phone, they're the best :) xx

    1. Thank you! I wish I had taken more pictures as we saw so much!! I'm hoping to have a day like this again soon :) xx

  7. Sounds like a wonderful day (: Its good to get away from all social media even for just a day, gives you time to spend with those you cherish.

    While reading this I couldn't help but think about the At&t commercial on what you do when the internet goes out.

    ts really funny, you should check it out!


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