Monday 27 February 2017

Monthly Favourites #22 - February

Another month is over already! Where is 2017 going?? So much of my month has been spent at work, but I've got a few days off this week, so going to try and have fun with it. Now it's time to dive into my faves of the month!

This is my all time fave song, and make me dance along to it - even in the car! I'd not listened to it for a few months, but it came on the radio the other day, and well... It's been played over 100 times this past month! I love this video as well, and so sad that G.R.L. are no longer this same lineup - minus Simone Battle who died a few years ago - and it's not the same. However, still love this song and the awesome dancing! 

My favourite picture from this month is this one of Nicola shopping in Yankee Candle, at Bluewater the other day. We spent a whole day out together - shopping, eating, filming a vlog and having a catch up! I'd not been to Bluewater before, so it was nice to go check it out.

TV Show
Scandal started their sixth season at the end of January. So far it has been AMAZING. So much happened in the first episode alone, and there is such a great storyline so far, and we're only about five or six episodes in! Really interested to see where it leads and what is going to happen to Mellie and Cyrus...

I've been doing a few movie marathons this year, and recently started on Star Wars! Other than not having Rogue One on DVD yet, as it's not out until May, I've almost finished the first six movies. I love the new ones, but the original three have such great stories. PLUS, they have Princess Leia, so I'm all down for that! Love Leia!!

Bullet Journal
This month's fave BuJu page is my habit tracker for the month. I love using colorful pens to make it all stand out! I like to track which films I've seen each month, as well as my mini tracker for cleaning. And the shame I have from only working out twice so far on this tracker... Oops!

Hope you enjoyed these faves for February! What have you loved this month from each category? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe!

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Friday 24 February 2017

Lookback: 2013 Orlando Florida Holiday

Four years ago, I was getting super excited for my holiday to Florida in the upcoming April. April 2013 has taken ages to arrive, after we'd been planning the holiday for about 18 months at that time. I went on the holiday with my best friend Nicola and her family, and it was such a great holiday as it was a chance for me to be back in the magic!

We visited Disney world and Universal, as well as Sea World. I only visited Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios, as well as Islands of Adventure, as on the days for the other parks, I chose to stay at the villa. It was unnatrally hot for me to deal with in April, and I got sunburn and mild sunstroke in the middle of the holiday, so the days at the villa was good for my skin and health!

I'm not going to make this a chatty post, I just wanted to share some pictures of my holiday there with you - as I didn't have this blog back then! I'm going back to Florida this Summer and I can't wait to relive some of these memories!

Hope you enjoyed all the pictures! What parks are your faves in Florida, and do you have any suggestions of places I should visit when I go this year? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)
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Wednesday 22 February 2017

February Playlist

I've been listening to a lot of music over the past month month, so thought I would create this little list off all the songs I am loving right now! Click any of the titles to get taken to a YouTube video, so you can check them out for yourself :)

So as you can see, I've been listening to a lot of 'old' songs recently - and I've been loving the 90's vibes right now! Like any of the songs above? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)
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Monday 20 February 2017

Bullet Journal | Monthly & Weekly Layouts

Last month I showed you the inside of my Bullet Journal, and also how I'm doing the 52 Week Saving Challenge with my journal! Now I wanted to show you a little more of my journal, and how I layout my month and weeks to keep on track with things.

Within each month, I have a list calendar of the month to keep track of my work shifts, pay day, birthdays, and any other important events, goals, spending and habits trackers, and a gratitude log.

I've started doing my layout like the above, since December! I like to have a little area for any personal goals or events I have lined up, and then a section for my blog. I like to keep track of my social media stats, so I have a set of montly goals/milestones I'd like to try and achieve each month - which motivates me to work harder.

The blog post tracker is so I can scribble ideas down in pencil and then change it to a colourful pen when I've got it all scheduled - just so I can try and not miss any days!

This tracker is still a work in progress. I'm super happy with the layout and colour schemes... BUT, I have issues with the green and blue columns. I need to find a way to squeeze in another column for my comic books, as that always fills the blue bar up and then I have to add to the side (as you can see!) and I don't like that!

My beauty and fashion bars rarely fill up, so I might start to combine them and use the other three bars for the other things I need! Hopefully can trial a new version for March...

I saw this idea on Pinterest, and fell in love with it. It's sometimes hard for me to find something good in each day, so this has made me focus on that a little more. Even if it's something as small as finding an old song, or spending the day watching movies: it's all something to to look back on!

My final trackers of the month, are this habit tracker, a mini 'home' tracker, and a film tracker. The habits tracker is a good way to track takeouts, workouts and my no spend days - among other things! I like my film tracker, so I can see which films I've watched that month! I'm trying not to watch many doubles this year, so I can go through my whole collection.

My mini tracker is always a bit crap. I always forget to fill this in, so might stop doing this in future months, unless I can figure out a way to make it more memorable.

Next are my weekly layouts, which as much as I like - I never seem to have a theme for them.

I'm always changing the fonts for the days, but I need to find a way to make it all a bit prettier.I use stickers from various Etsy stores to track what days I;m at work or not, plus other stickers for decoration. I do a colour scheme for each week, normally red/orange, pink/purple or blues. No reason as to why, but I just like to to be a little bit colourful each week.

I then use the key to track what needs to be done each day, along with any events or things that have happened that day that I think are worth noting.

So there we have it! That's how my bullet journal is laid out for each month and week. I'm happy with 90% of it, but I still want to change it up so it's better adapted to how I need things to be as of right now. And that's the beauty of a bujo - you can change it as often as you want!

How do you set up your bujo for each month and week? Let me know and share any posts about yous as I love to peek at other people's! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Friday 17 February 2017

Wishlist 30

I recently discovered a brand called Alchemy England, who have a range of goodies based on steampunk/gothic items, such as jewellery, walking canes and apparel. I've become a little obsessed with them and after buying a really cute Sub Rosa Poison Ring, I've had to make a wishlist of goodies I'd like to get one payday!

Like any of the wishlist goodies? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Wednesday 15 February 2017

Dear Teacher...

The other day I was watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory, where Sheldon is teaching a class and the kids are really not in the mood for him - and it got me thinking back to my school days. I've had some really amazing teachers over the years, and some that make me have an existential crisis at the mere thought of them.

So I made a little list of the teachers who I could remember, both positive and negative ones, and I've wrote a little letter to them, about how they impacted me during the time I had them. I'll even throw in some pictures from my secondary school days for the giggles!

Lets hit the books, and get going with this one...

Mrs Price
My super awesome form group teacher for FIVE years at my secondary school! Although I never had you teach any of my actual classes, you were the fearless leader of 7C-11C and you probably had the biggest impact on me of all my teachers. You were there if we were having a good or bad day - and if the latter, you were always there to listen or help where needed. You also let us all have our own chats during form time and were always so nice to all of us, that you proved to me that not all teachers are big ole meanies.

You are also the reason I know the difference between a debit and credit card, which was down to one very stressful learning session (I want to call it citizenship??) we had to do each week for reasons our class were oblivious too!

You also totally covered for our from group when that 'mysterious' hole appeared in the wall one day in Year 9... Overall, you were an amazing teacher at Corny, and I hope you don't mind me tagging you in this on Facebook! Haha!

Miss Kelly (now Mrs Tidy!)
First off, me and Jackie were obsessed with seeing what your hair or makeup would be like for each class we had with you, because you always had amazing bold looks that we could only dream of attempting! I had you for an English class where we had to read of Mice and Men - but I mainly remember you for my Media and Film classes. I sucked at both of these to be honest, but they were my faves because you always explained things in a way I understood them!

As for watching Fight Club... I don't think Emma, Natasha or Jess have quite forgiven you for telling us Martha was fake as well as everyone else. We all had a mental breakdown in the common room that afternoon as we couldn't wrap our heads around it!

I still have the video footage from our Film final, and it's honestly so horrific and embarrassing to watch back, but you let us all do what we wanted for it and always encouraged us to do what we wanted for it. I've applied that to most of my adult life so far, so that freedom stuck with me!

Also, hope you don't mind the tag on Facebook for this either!

Ms Locke
As my primary school English teacher, you really knew how to crush my dreams of being a writer right from the get go. Apparently nothing I ever wrote was good enough, and even the time I plagiarized a story line from Smallville, you told me no-one would ever read something like that. So clearly it was me you disliked...
As for me getting shit scores on my spelling tests every week - I didn't want to sit and practice them each week when I'd rather be reading Harry Potter. Soz.
Anyway, I have a kickass blog now, so suck it.

Mr Berry
Thank you for understanding that when, at the age of 10, I said I didn't understand how you were teaching me Maths, that you didn't take it out on me. You really did help me and because of you, I know my times tables - which has come very handy at work recently!

Miss Bowman
Thank you for allowing me to do a paper mache volcano for my project, and not one that could explode like everyone else. My dad was going to put a small bit of explosive in the solution so we could get a proper eruption for the class.

You probably saved us all from getting pink foam all over the classroom.

Miss Fry
You are the reason I read books. You introduced me to Harry freaking Potter. You changed me from a 9 year old girl with virtually no interests, into a super geek who can quote all the books and movies. And it's because of all of this, I like to write my own stories and have this blog.

Mr Fry
No relation to the above teacher! 
A man in his late 50's/early 60's Mr Fry was a substitute teacher we all loved to get if our class teacher was off sick. He was obsessed with cricket and playing his guitar, and often stopped lessons just so he could tell a tale 'from his younger days' or have an impromptu sing along to a nursery rhyme. I remember when I was at Corny about 6 years later, one of my primary classmates had seen you had passed away in a newspaper. Honestly, we both teared up a little bit upon hearing this. You had made learning fun and I know the whole alphabet in French because you taught it to us in song.

Mr Rudnick
A truly wonderful Psychology teacher, originally from South Africa who had HEAPS of stories for us. I rarely understood this class, and it's still beyond me how I passed my A-Level for this, but I put it down to both you, and Jackie (who had to basically re-teach me the whole lesson during our frees!).
I'll never forget how you taught us about Freud's stages of Psychosexual Development. You taught that to us via a dance which I still remember to this day, 7 years later!

But overall teachers... Thank you. Without all of you, I'd not be who I am today!

I had a good giggle scrolling through my pictures for this post as well as having a pretty fun therapy session while typing this all up! There are at least another eight teachers I could have mentioned, but this would have been abnormally long...

Which of your teachers would you write a letter to, about how they've impacted your lives and in what way? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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