Wednesday 27 April 2016

Picture Perfect #3

Having had a pretty exhausting weekend of work and birthday celebrations, I decided it was time for another little 'life lately' post. I stopped doing my monthly overview posts as I felt they were getting too long winded, but I still want to share some snaps of my life with you now and then.

Here are some snap shots of my life and the things I've been up to, since the end of March! Hope you enjoy this pretty pic heavy post!

Got to see y sister for 3 weeks as she was back from Uni

The final Easter egg!

Spent a few days playing board games

Went bowling with my Dad and sister!

A BH Cosmetics Haul!

Started a bullet journal

Had a night out with Nicola

Bought the new Shaaanxo palette

Found this cheery sentence in a booklet from work

Spent a day in London

My new dress from Yours Clothing!

What have you been up to lately and how often do to take pictures for memories? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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  1. That dress is pretty. xx


  2. That dress is stunning! Also, yay for starting a bullet journal! It has changed my life! x x

    1. Thank you!! Bullet journalling has made things so much easier! xx

  3. Give me that dress! How cute is that? It looks amazing on you!

    Corinne x

    1. Thanks Corinne! It's from Yours and I LOVE it!!!! xx

  4. I really want to start a bullet journal too! That dress is super pretty! x

    Xtina G Says..

    1. It's one of the best things I've done as I might have a chance of filling a whole notebook up! xx


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