Wednesday 10 August 2016

Wishlist 27

I'm quite loving online shopping and the convenience of it, now that I'm working full time! Even though I'm in saving mode for a few things, it's not stopped me adding things to my wishlists and the occasional shopping spree, albeit small ones!! Here are few of the things 'geeky/nerdy' things I really want to get when I get paid next month!

Like any of the above items? And what's on your wishlist this month? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Hogwarts - The Lilac Linnet | Alisha Valerie


  1. I love POP figures, they're super cute. xx


  2. I absolutely adore that Quidditch set 😍

    1. I just want it so I can have a full set then! xx


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