Friday 29 April 2022

April 2022 Extra Income Report

I love being able to earn extra pennies on the side, as well as form my main job income. I use survey sites, blog posts on this blog of mine, scanning receipts, and selling items via Depop and Facebook Marketplace. Some month I don't even make £10 extra, whereas other months, it can be up to £90 - it all depends on how hard I hustle as the month goes along. 

So here is my overview for the last 30 days!

April 2022

Amazon Shopper Panel: £5.25
Qmee Surveys: £26.48
Blog Collaborations: £15
Amazon Publishing: £0
One Poll Surveys: £0
Online Sales: £0

            Total: £46.73

Might not seem like a lot to some people, but this extra £40+ will be heading into my savings for a later date and use.

If you're interested in earning a little extra with some surveys each month, I have this Qmee referral code for you to use! >QMEE CODE < With this code link, you get 50p and so do I, when you first cash out via PayPal or gift card. The reason I love Qmee, is that you can cash out with as little as 1p in your account. 

Current 2022 extra income overview

January - £51.79
February - £67.33
March - £103.67
April - £46.73

            Total: £269.52

Do you have any side hustles for extra income? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Thursday 14 April 2022

Perfecting Your Look Ahead Of Summer*

Image - Pixabay CC0 Licence

Summer is fast approaching and you will naturally want to look your best. Not least after losing two summers to the pandemic. Now is the time to start making the right preparations.

Seemingly small steps can make a huge difference, which will subsequently allow you to live your best life in summer 2022. Check out the five tips below, and you should be set noticeable improvements in no time.

Rejuvenate your skin

They say that beauty is skin deep. So, it makes sense to start your pre-summer revamp by enhancing your skin. Searching for a facial treatment near me should help you find the professional support needed to rejuvenate your look. When followed by the use of makeup and creams that contain natural ingredients, your skin will look better than ever. Frankly, this will give more confidence than any other step in this guide.

Get a new hairstyle

A new hairstyle can completely overhaul your look for the better. This is especially true if you’ve had the same style for several years. Heading to a salon to find whichever 2022 trend suits your natural looks could be one of the smartest moves that you make all year. As well as the style, you should pay attention to the colour choices. It is worth paying a little extra for the transformation. With a good cut and colour, you won’t need another visit until fall.

Revamp your fashion choices

Your fashion style can have a telling impact on your overall appearance. So, finding the right outfits to reflect your personality and enhance your best attributes should be a priority in the build-up to summer. Accessories are another important issue, which is why you should consider the 2022 jewelry trends. When you have a wardrobe of outfits for work, the mall, and the beach, you can’t go far wrong. Just be sure that all items fit you well.

Invest in your smile

A winning smile is undoubtedly one of the greatest assets you’ll ever possess. There are two main ways to improve yours. You can either fix the alignment or achieve whiter teeth. Home whitening products can achieve great results when used for several weeks. Meanwhile, searching for cosmetic dentists near me helps you get invisible braces or replacement teeth. Improved conference and looks won’t just improve your summer, they’ll improve your life.

Perfect your posture

Body image will naturally play a massive role in making you look and feel better than ever. Toning up or losing a few pounds will be the goal shared by millions of people. However, you may be better suited to building a better posture. A straight back helps you cast a more confident figure while also making you look a little taller. It can also improve the way you walk and give you a leaner appearance. The right stretches and attire will serve you well.

Summer 2022 is a chance to make up for lost time and perfecting your look will certainly aid the cause. Enjoy it!

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*Collaborative Post