Friday 7 October 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

~*~I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~*~

Well I saw this film ages ago but never done a blog post on it. So here it is.


And sad.

My childhood ended right there in the cinema in front of me.

I cheered when Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix, I cried when Fred Weasley died. I laughed when Mcgonagall said 'BOOM!' to Neville. I punched the air when the bridge collapse with the Death Eaters on it.

In short; I loved it and already pre-ordered the DVD off of Amazon.

The book franchise was what made me want to read. Up until Harry Potter was unleashed into book shops, I'd only read Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and then one day in 1999, my teacher at school read us this new book she'd found and loved called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It changed my life. Shortly after Harry's first Quidditch game in the book, my Mum had been forced by me to purchased Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets. Eager to get me into reading something other than a battered copy of Fantastic Mr Fox, she let me have them. By the time my teacher had finished reading the first book, I'd finished the second and had bought Prisoner of Azkaban the day before.

I was hooked.

My copy of Philosopher's Stone is very worn out, the spine in peeling and the books have a thinned bottom right corner from page turning. As each book was released I got it that very day or the next day at the latest. My Mum had to fight (not like punches and everything, but you get what I mean,) for the last copy of Deathly Hallows at our book shop and she won :D (GO MUM!) My friend Jackie finished it in under three days. It took me five as I had to stop to locate tissues after each person was killed of. I cried the most at Dobby and Fred's deaths and I loved Dobby from the first book and the twins are my favourite characters. My poor sister on the other hand suffered five days of not being able to read the book as I refused to share it, and me walking into her room in tears saying 'you're not going to like this bit,' and walking out again.

But seeing the last part of the film where Harry has his family with Ginny and Ron and Hermione were a family as well was just....wonderful. But once that scene ended I knew I wouldn't have the excitement of another film release date or seeing the trailers on TV anymore. It really was over.

I've been part of this Pottercoaster for 11 years now and still read the books over and over again and watch the films with my friend Jodie. She's never read the books but has seen the films, so it's always interesting to get a text from her saying, 'Why is he doing this? What does that mean!!!????' And being able to explain it to her in so much depth I'm sure I bore her to death with my explanations. Since reading the books, I've managed to take on the Twilight series (Potter is still far better) and currently on Lord of the Rings, (only on Two Towers after 2 months), and so many more.

Also there's a Potter related book out this month called: Harry Potter Page to Screen. Check it out here.

Love Tania xxx

~*~Mischief Managed~*~

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