Friday 20 May 2016

2016 Goals | Check In

Personal & Resolutions Goals
  1. Lose some weight/tone up 
    • So far lost a few pounds and toned up in some areas!
  2. Learn to take better pictures
    • Not even started this yet!
  3. Drive somewhere new
    • Not yet!
  4. Go to the cinema at least 5 times
    • Done! Seen 4 films so far, one of which we saw twice! Also have 2 more trips lined up!
  5. Carry on with the job search/get a new job
    • I didn't find a new job, but I have moved to a new department at work (deli counter) and I am much happier there. Just trying to sort more hours/contract hours out and hopefully I'll be on full time soon!
  6. Save up for holidays/outings
    • I'm doing pretty good with saving up for Florida next year, but as for the hen party, wedding and Marvel trip in London, I've not so much as saved a penny....
  7. Organise my room better
    • This has been partially done. My desk and clothes are all much better arranged!
  8. Get into a better sleeping routine
    • Not gone well so far. I sometimes have 6am starts at work, so 9am bedtime and up at 4:30am hasn't helped!
  9. Be more of an 'adult'
    • This has gone well in my opinion. I've cooked a lot more and not relied on my Dad to make sure my car is alright and that things get fixed indoors. I have my own toolbox, so I've been having way to much fun!
  10. Try and follow my resolutions!
    • I'm getting there slowly with this!

Blog Goals
  1. 750 Bloglovin followers 👍 Managed this back in March!
  2. 1400 Twitter followers 👍 I hit this mid January and currently have 3500+
  3. 450 Instagram followers 👍 Managed this on Feb 1st!
  4. 250 YouTube subscribers 👍 Mid March I hit this, so super happy with this!
  5. 150 Facebook page likes 👍 Hit this about a week in February!
  6. 150,000 blog page views -- Not hit this yet, but I'm on 109k right now, so might hit this by the end of the year! 

Did you have any personal or blog goals for the new year, and how are you doing so far? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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  1. Congrats on hitting all your blog goals so far! Don't you worry about your other goals! They take time and you seem quite busy, so it'll work out :)


    1. Thank you! I've still got 7 months to do the rest of them or improve upon them! :) xx

  2. Congrats on hitting so many of your goals - blogging and personal! And we're not even half-way through the year. You should be really proud! I like the idea of a resolutions check in post - it's a great way of holding yourself accountable. It's so easy to let resolutions/goals slide once you've set them (guilty as charged!) x x

    1. Thanks Aimee :) I think I'll do another one near September to see how much more has changed! Fingers crossed I'll finish all the them by the end of the year :) xx

  3. sounds like you've made some fab progress Tania! Not even halfway through the year yet so still loads of time to achieve some of the others, I'm sure you'll do great and will be really proud at the end of 2016 :) I didnt have too many goals for this year, but so far I've moved house which I was really hoping to do, and well on my way to getting my driving licence. Got my second test in June so hoping it will be all done and dusted with a pass then :) xx

    1. I'm getting close! This is the first year in a long time that I've done this well! Ohh yes the driving! Fingers crossed that you can pass this time round! :) xx

  4. Way to goal on reaching your goals and to many more! :)


  5. So happy to hear that you have already reached some goals & are doing great keeping others. I wish you the best as you work on others & for you to keep strong with your blog & personally, I hope you are overall doing great & have a beautiful week.

    -Celeste Xxx

    1. I'm quite pleased with myself! Hoping to achieve some more pretty soon :) Hope you have a great week too lovely :) xx

  6. Great job! Really good progress so far, and I like your attitude! I'm hoping to get to 10k Twitter & Instagram followers this year, and build up to 10,000 monthly page views on my blog!


    1. Fingers crossed you hit those goals!! I like to set goals for myself so I can try and push further :) xx


Thank you for dropping by my blog! I read all my comments, and will try and reply when I can!