Monday 28 March 2016

Picture Perfect #2

Having had a pretty exhausting weekend of work, and a very busy week, I decided it was time for another little 'life lately' post. I stopped doing my monthly overview posts as I felt they were getting too long winded, but I still want to share some snaps of my life with you now and then.

Here are some snap shots of my life and the things I've been up to, since the middle of February! Hope you enjoy this pretty pic heavy post!
Kicked off the month with lovely British weather

Tried a wavy hair technique and I love it!! 

Had a small flurry of snow!

A random sunny day meant I could break out the Spring dresses

Another BH Cosmetics haul 

I won a MAC lipstick in a giveaway and what better way to show it off than with a stupid face!

Another Saturday at work!

Fancy bun hair for the shift where I was Supervisor! (yes I was let loose and left in charge with Andrew!)

Had a day shopping with Nicola! Watch the vlog here!

Got myself a gorgeous Fiorelli bag in the sales

Purple false nails for a week off work and a night out!

Bought a lot of goodies from Yours Clothing and done a haul video of the items!

Sill obsessed with the Galaxy Chic palette and have used it a lot this past month! 

What have you been up to lately and how often do to take pictures for memories? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :))

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  1. I love that anklet from Coconut Lane! Gonna go check them out :) xx

    Moany Mouse | Scottish Lifestyle Blog

    1. It's so pretty and I like things with the moon on them! xx

  2. I take far too many photos! I often end up culling some, thinking "why do I want to remember that plate of food, or mug?!" Haha. Great photos, hun. Love your spring dress, it's gorgeous! x x

    1. I do delete a couple after a while, but it's very rare!! I have the most stupid pictures!!! Thank you so much hun :) xx

  3. Love your wavy hair and that purple dress! :)

    Love, Richel. | Richel Goes Places

    1. Thank you very much!! I can't wait for better weather so I can wear more dresses :) xx

  4. I kinda just caught up on all your March post & I loved them. I love this post so much it's not that I am nosey but I just find it so interesting to see a different point of view of life. I love the new bag & I really enjoyed the haul video. I hope you are doing good & have a great week Xxx

    1. Thank you Celeste! ❤️ I like posts like this too as I can see what other people are doing from all walks of life :) Thank you darling, hope you're having a great week too :) xxx

  5. Lovely photos as always! Your purple nails are gorgeous! Also digging Cameron's GoT hoodie, haha! x

    Xtina G Says..

    1. Thank you chick!! 💖 I'm currently deciding on my next nail color set, so will see what I go for! He said thank you XD xx


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