Friday 1 September 2017

What's In My Theme Park Bag?

The other week I shared with you what was in my carry on bag, for when I go on holiday. So this week, it's time for what is in my theme park/everyday bag. I've got a cute little Mickey Mouse inspired backpack from Ebay, which is a nice pink colour and has little ears on it, so it looks Mouse themed! My sister has the some one in grey, so we have matching ones for when we're out and about.

Also, this is my last post for a couple of weeks, as I wanted to take some time off to enjoy my holiday and not be sat writing anything up, so usual blogging service will be resumed in a few weeks, once I've organised what happened on my Florida holiday into some posts for you!

Anyway, back to the blog post...

Along with the things pictures above, I'd also have my phone with me - but I used that to take the pictures! The bag is big enough for all of this, plus a bottle of water and a poncho if I need them, so it's a perfect sized bag for the parks. In my bag we have:

  • Camera
  • Purse
  • Inhaler
  • Epipen
  • Medication
  • Nail file
  • Perfume
  • Body Spray
  • Mints
  • Hairband
These are all things I would usually have on me anyway, and I might still add a few extra bits when we're looking around Wal-Mart! My camera is going to me in my pocket a lot of the time, so it's easy for me to access as we're walking around. The medications are all a vital thing for me to have, so these have to go with me wherever I am! 

What would be in your park bags for the day? Let me know if there's anything else I should pop in there! Hope you have a great September, and I shall see you all back here in a few weeks after my holiday is all over and I'm back to my usual working schedule! Keep safe and see you then :)

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  1. I keep SO much in my bag! I have a whole bag of makeup as well as a few bits I probably will never use haha

    Emily xo

    1. Sorry for late reply, been on holiday!

      I was going to take makeup, but it was just running down my face by the end of the second day, so I gave up and went with just concealer and eyeliner to get me through the day!! Definitely know I can take less next time! xx


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