Wednesday 10 September 2014

I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22!

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I'm 22. So for my birthday, I'm going to share some pictures of myself from over the years. Here it goes...

I've changed so much! And wow my hair was so long as a 9 year old - I remember having it all cut off into a bob when I was 15 and I hated it! I then dyed it really blonde when I was 17/18 so it looks like I am partially bald in that picture, but it's gone back to my natural color again and has grown to a decent length once more!

And now for a song. I've been waiting since March 2013 to use this. Sing it Swifty!!:

That's all I have for you today folks as I'm off to see my cousins for the day before going out to dinner tonight with my sister, mum and her partner! Hope you all have an amazing day like I am planning to have, and keep safe :)


Thank you for dropping by my blog! I read all my comments, and will try and reply when I can!