Wednesday 28 February 2018

February 2018 Faves

Hey lovely readers! Hope you're all doing well and that 2018 is treating you all well so far. Can someone explain how this month has literally rolled past please?

Along with my usual fave songs, tv shows, movies, and monthly picture - I want to share a quote that I've loved from the month, along with a blogger I'm loving right now, plus a news story that's made me smile! I think there's a lot of bad things happening on this planet right now, so wanted to share some of the good I've found. Hope you all have a great March!

If I could put the entire speech of this extremely smart and brave young lady on here, I would. To see the whole thing, click here - but here is the part that hit me the hardest.

“If the president wants to come up to me and tell me to my face that it was a terrible tragedy and how it should never have happened and maintain telling us how nothing is going to be done about it, I’m going to happily ask him how much money he received from the National Rifle Association”
          Emma Gonzales, gun control rally in wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Florida shooting

This whole soundtrack is FLAWLESS, but this is the one that I can listen to on repeat for the rest of my life. The entire song is beautiful, and the lyrics are definitely a power anthem. I've had this playing a lot at home, and I think my sister is sick of hearing it, but it's such a good song - and the lyric video below gets me hyped for the movie again!

News Story
    'Husband gives wife same present for Valentine's Day for 39 years - and she still absolutely loves it' 
    I saw this post on a number on news sites this month, and thought it was a beautiful love story. Ron and Donna have been doing the same thing on Valentine's Day, every year for 39 years, and they're determined to keep it going - he always gets her the same box of chocolates each year. Donna was recently diagnosed with Dementia, so he wants to keep this going so she doesn't forget who he is.

    TV Show
    I am sooo excited that RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars Season 3 a few weeks ago, and we're now underway with episode 5. I've loved the selection of Queens for this year, and I've been laughing at that Bitchelor episode for a week now! Thankfully 2 of my top 3 winners are still in the running, so my fingers are crossed for them!

    Fave picture of the month is this one of all these journals in Hobbycraft! I've got really into organising things recently, and decluttering, so I decided to get rid of a bunch of half used journals, and just buy a decent one. I have a daily planner - the leaf print on of the bottom row - as well as a healthy living journal/tracker, which is the 'You Can Do It!' planner on the top row. I've been using them for 3 weeks now and I am loving getting myself sorted with them both.

    Check out her blog, or her twitter and instagram
    I found Cassie's blog back last year around Easter time, while I was looking upgeek bloggers, and I found her post about unpopular geek opinions  - I was hooked from there! She's a lovely blogger, who also has some other great content on her blog, such as My Lover for the Joker, and How I Organise My Blog.

    Hope you enjoy this new format of my monthly faves - please let me know what you think as I'd love to hear your opinions! How has your February been, and what are your faves from the categories above? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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    1. I couldn't agree with you more about This Is Me, I use the Greatest Showman soundtrack as part of my workout playlist so I literally listen to the songs just about every day and I'm still not sick of them. This Is Me is such a good song! I can't listen to it and not dance.

      Julia // The Sunday Mode

      1. It's such a feel good song, and I always end up dancing to it whenever I hear it! I think it's going to be the soundtrack of my 2018! xx

    2. That news story about the couple is so beyond sweet oh my gosh! I've not come across Cassie's blog before - it looks fab!

      Steph -

      1. It was such a cute story, I loved it! Her blog is amazing, I'm always reading it :) xx

    3. I just watched that video with goosebumps Tania. I've heard so many good things about this movie, that I really need to see it!!!

      Kelly xx

      1. I have watched that video a good 50+ times this year, and it never gets boring! The song is the best on the soundtrack :) xx

    4. Hey Tania,

      You know I was wondering if I was the only one for whom February rolled past SO quick and I'm sort of glad you mentioned it too! Haha! Where was February? I swear it was the first yesterday and it is the first again this morning!

      I loved the Valentine's story the most in your post. So romantic and touching!

      Stay in touch, loving your blog!
      ~ Saraallie
      Sara Writes ~ The Crazy Life of a Silly Little Sister

      1. It seems to go so fast, I don't remember half of it! SO glad you're enjoying the blog right now, I'm popping to yours right now! xx

    5. I really want all those journals! I don't even use journals right now, but I have an itch to after seeing so many cute ones in your photo.

      1. I've got quite into using them right now, and I have an abundance of stickers to decorate them with! xx

    6. Those journals are absolutely gorgeous, I love them! Also, I'm with you on the quote. It's an absolute joke that he keeps saying nothing will be done! So so many lives lost! Nikki x

      1. That quote just really stuck with me, as did the entire speech. It was so pleading and the fact nothing is being done almost 3 weeks later, is awful! xx

    7. I didn't even know Hobbycraft sold journals! I'll have to pay my local Hobbycraft a visit, hehe. x x

      1. They have quite a good range of them, so I'm excited to buy a new one for the next year when this one is all done! xx


    Thank you for dropping by my blog! I read all my comments, and will try and reply when I can!