Monday 26 December 2016

2016 Goals - Final Review

At the start of the year, I shared with you my goals for the year. I then done a little catch up about them in May, and had actually done some, or was near finishing a few of the others. Well, it's now the end of the year, so about time I done a final review and check in of them!

I'll be thinking of some new ones for 2017, and might try harder on some of these if I've not done too well...

Personal & Resolutions Goals
  1. Lose some weight/tone up ✔👍
    • I managed to lose almost a stone and then put some of that back on! Sadly didn't do to great with this one, but I have lost some weight since the start of the year, so I'm calling this done! 
  2. Learn to take better pictures✔👍
    • I figured out how to take and edit pictures a lot better, so totally achicved this one IMO! 
  3. Drive somewhere new✔👍
    • Yes! Was only somewhere about 20 minutes away, but involved a Motorway and a shit load of roundabouts 
  4. Go to the cinema at least 5 times✔👍
    • Done! Saw 13 films at the cinema this year, but next year we're hoping to do this a lot more 
  5. Carry on with the job search/get a new job✔👍
    • I didn't find a new job, but I have moved to a new department at work (deli counter) and I am much happier there - both with my motivation and my emotions before/during/after each shift 
  6. Save up for holidays/outings✔👍
    • I really did well on this. I've not had too much to save up for, but I hit all my savings goals on track 
  7. Organise my room better ❌👎
    • This had been done in July/August, but it's since got so messy and unorganised again, so fail here! 
  8. Get into a better sleeping routine ❌👎
    • Not happened at all! I've been doing a lot of 6am shifts at work, meaning I'm up at 5:45am and it's not done well for my sleep
  9. Be more of an 'adult' ✔👍
    • This has gone well in my opinion. I've cooked a lot more and not relied on my Dad to make sure my car is alright and that things get fixed indoors. I have my own toolbox, so I've been having way to much fun! I've also done a load of banking, car, work and life 'things' all by myself without help! 
  10. Try and follow my resolutions! ✔👍
    • I don't think I've done too bad with my resolutions or goals for the year - even if I did struggle with some of them! I'm calling it a win for the year! 

Blog Goals
  1. 750 Bloglovin followers 👍 Managed this back in March!
  2. 1400 Twitter followers 👍 I hit this mid January and currently have 4600+
  3. 450 Instagram followers 👍 Managed this on Feb 1st! Currenly over 1000!
  4. 250 YouTube subscribers 👍 Mid March I hit this, so super happy with this! Now over 330!
  5. 150 Facebook page likes 👍 Hit this about a week in February!
  6. 150,000 blog page views -- Not hit this yet, but I'm on 139k right now, so don't think I'll hit it before the end of the year sadly! Can't say I've done bad though - I started the year on 82.004 views, so to end on about 140k is amazing! 

Did you have any personal or blog goals for the new year, and how are you doing so far? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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  1. Yay for achieving a lot of your 2016 goals! How have you managed so many twitter followers? I've been struggling to raise mine as it's been hovering at the same point for months... Any tips you have would be great! This 2017 there'll be a blog post on my resolutions, and I really want to try and stick to them. Every year I forget what I set out! x

    Kyia at WANDERLUSTGIRL// Lifestyle & Beauty
    Let’s be BLOGLOVIN friends!

    1. It's taken a lot to do! I've been using Buffer a lot to help with twitter, plus I tend to follow back about 80% of the people who followed me over the year, so that's helped!! :)

      Good luck with the 2017 goals! xx

  2. Wow well done you - you've done so well with your goals, you should be pleased! I did spectacularly well with my blogging goals, imo, but absolutely awful with my personal goals haha. x x

    1. Thank you Aimee!! I think I've done alright with it, but could have done better!! :) Good luck with any 2017 goals! ❤️

  3. You've done so well Tania!! It's ok if you went back on some of the goals- it happens to us all. Any goals for 2017?


    1. Thank you! Will be doing a 2017 goals post this week, so keep an eye out! xx


Thank you for dropping by my blog! I read all my comments, and will try and reply when I can!