Monday 30 October 2017

Monthly Favourites #30 - October

Well October has passed in such a blur, that I didn't even realise I'd not wrote this post up until the weekend! I've spent most of this month trying to get back into a work/social life routine, and I'm failing at the latter... So November is going to be working on that! And now, onto the faves!

I've been addicted to this song since about the first week of the month. I've been rewatching RuPaul's Drag Race, so decided to get Ru's new album and found this DIAMOND of a tune. I'm so obsessed, I've been vogueing around my bedroom to it while getting ready for work!

My favourite picture from this month is of the flowers from my Mum's wedding on the 24th. My sister and I, were her bridesmaids, so we had a bouquet each. They were gorgeous and the whole day was so beautiful!

I've never seen this show until the past month! The boyfriend is a big fan, so he's had me watching the new season - plus a few older ones - which I've been in hysterics over. I can't believe some of the jokes that have actually made it onto the TV!

Hope you enjoyed these faves for October! What have you loved this month yourself, from each category? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe!

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  1. Oh wow - your mother's wedding flowers were gorgeous! Glad the wedding day went well :) x x

    1. Thank you! I thought they were gorgeous, plus they smell so good!! xx

  2. Those flowers are so pretty - I hope you had a fab time at the wedding! October's gone so fast!

    Steph -

    1. Can't believe how fast this year has flown past us! The wedding was beautiful, and happy to have gone! xx


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