It's been six whole months of 2018 - honestly, where has it gone? I've had a rocky one thus far, but hoping the last six months are going to be better! As it's the middle of the year, I thought it was due time, to check over my goals for the year, and see how I've got on. The original post was the first post of the year, and then I checked in during the year, and had not done so well.
I can already say that I know I've done crap, but pushing forward into the new year, I'll try and do better!...
Personal Goals
- Finish writing my book!
- I got the first chapter done and that was it.
- Lose 2 stone in weight
- Lost 8lbs
- Keep doing the 52 Week Savings Challenge
- Gave up with this about 6 weeks in. Lost motivation!
- See 6 films at the cinema ✔
- 7/6 - I've seen The Greatest Showman, Black Panther, Deadpool 2, and Avengers: Infinity War, Mamma Mia, Incredibles 2 and Jurassic World 2.
- Visit somewhere new
- If a friend's new house counts, then yes!
- Read two books
- Managed one!
- Do something off my 30 before 30 List
- ✔#20 is a marvel marathon, which I am currently a few films off from finishing!
- ✔ #15 Met Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Connor, who have worked on the Harley Quinn comics!
- ✔ #25 I have lost about 10lbs since January, so I'll take that!
- Start filming, and taking pictures more often
- Really sucked here. I've had some really bad mental health months, so filming and picture taking has basically halted, and didn't pick up near the end of the year either.
- Stop complaining so much
- Maybe 10% better here...
- Do two more fizzy drink bans for 30 days ✔
- I did a 32 day streak in April, and then started again in May and have maybe had 10 fizzy drinks since May 1st. I'm all about water now and can easily do 3 litres per day!
- 1200 Bloglovin followers - ❌ 1128 right now
- 6500 Twitter followers - ❌ I had a huge clear out of who I was following, and that lost me 700 followers over 4 months. Down to 5349.
- 1100 Instagram followers - ❌ This is so laughable. I'm at 900.
- 550 YouTube subscribers - ❌ 500. Hit this in November!
- 400 Facebook page likes -❌ 337 at the moment!
- 350,000 total blog page views - ✔ 335,546 Hit this back at the start of August!
- Post 3 times each week - ✔ I did this January through March, and then took a break, but I did it!
- Allow myself 2 weeks off from blogging - twice this year - ✔ I had about 2 months a week away from blogging for my sanity and MH.
- Take part in more Twitter blog chats - ❌
- Work with more brands this year - ✔ I've worked with three new brands so far this year, so very happy with that!
I have done so badly with these goals this year! How have you done with your goals for the year? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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