Friday 3 October 2014

Beautiful Avenger 1st Blog Birthday!

Hello everyone!

So today, October 3rd, is the one year anniversary of my blog! Yes, I used this blog before then for sporadic posts like once a month (or less), but this day is when it all started and I actually utilized this place on the internet to use my voice for good. Or just for pure babbling! The post that I kicked this journey off with was: 'Tania Does Downton' - in which I blogged along to an episode of Downton Abbey and got really into it. The next two days after that post, is when the fashion and beauty posts started and it's not stopped since!

Also back then, my blog was simply named 'Tania's World' before I changed it to 'Tania Pryer' in the November. Inventive I know. The blog name of Beautiful Avenger came about at the end of January this year - Name Games - I've loved this new name for a while since then and Then I changed it yesterday! Here are all the banners I've had since October 3rd, 2013!

And the current one!!

Pretty sure I had some others before this but they don't appear to be anywhere! I definitely think the current one is the best as it's not too plain or fussy!

I'll be doing a blog birthday giveaway shortly, so keep an eye out for that on OCTOBER 6th! Other than that, I hope you have a great day and keep safe!


  1. Happy first blog birthday Tania! The new name and design looks really classic and professional I love it. Hope there's lots more blog birthdays to come :) xx

    1. Thank you lovely :) I finally think I've got a name and design that I'm really happy with after a whole year! xx


Thank you for dropping by my blog! I read all my comments, and will try and reply when I can!