Wednesday 1 October 2014

New Blog Name!

Hello everyone!

Friday is my one year blog birthday and I've been after a change for a while. I literally change my mind about my blog once a week at least! I changed the name from 'Tania Pryer' to Beautiful Avenger' in January/February, but I've grown apart from the name. It's not personal anymore and doesn't make much sense at times, so I've decided to change the name up. Again.


As of today and onwards I'm going somewhat back to my roots with this blog and making it more personal.

Welcome to!

Going back to what I loved the most about blogging and the posts I enjoyed the most, this blog will now be primarily beauty and lifestyle. I love fashion, but I don't feel my fashion posts are my best, so those will only feature now and again. As for the 'nerdfest' section of my blog - trust me it is still going to be here but under the lifestyle portion!

I hope this isn't too much of a change, and I'm going to be changing my twitter, instagram and other accounts to this soon, so hopefully it won't confuse you all when that happens!

Thank you for sticking about <3

PS - Currently updating the graphics, so please bare with! 


  1. I often wonder think about my changing my blog name too! I don't know if I will but the layout and graphics will definitely be changing soon :)

    1. I liked Beautiful Avenger, but I feel this is a lot more 'me' :) Ooh I shall keep an eye out for that! x


Thank you for dropping by my blog! I read all my comments, and will try and reply when I can!