Monday 1 August 2016

Emma's Hen Party - Day Three

So in this post, I explained what the Hen Party was all about, and how well day one went, and then I shared day two with you. Now we're onto day three! Here we go...

After the busy day the day before, I'd managed to sleep for 9 hours straight, and woke up while everyone was already having breakfast! I got myself dressed and ready, and then helped clean the kitchen before we all had to start packing up! We had to leave the house by midday, so we spent an hour all rushing to pack and tidy up the house!

Pretty much everyone left between 11:30 and midday, so all that was left were the family members, the bride herself, Alice S and myself. Once everyone else had departed, our little eight member group headed back to the car to put away all our things, before we headed back to the beach and pier for our day out!

It was so hot along the coast, and I seriously regretting wearing jeans! We walked along the seafront to the pier and then headed inside to play in the arcade. Between all of us, we managed to get just over 500 arcade tickets - 120 for Emma to use for the Wedding, 30 for me to scrapbook with and a few other spares were left for the other girls - and then we managed to get a few more and eventually had 406 to get a prize with! Emma picked out some Brighton shot glasses, so we got five of these so five of us could have them!

Then Alice O, Emma, Vicky and Kelly had a go on the dance mat inside the arcade, before we headed back out into the sunshine for a walk onto the beach!

We picked up some chips from a nearby shop and sat on their decking to eat them, while watching some kids try out the Human Catapult fun fair 'ride' next to us. They were all screaming and we spent most of the time watching them all in fear of their lives!!

After this, we walked along the promenade and peeked into some shops, before stopping at a vendor and getting some doughnuts to go and sit on the beach with. We spent about an hour sat on the pebbles, watching the waves coming in and relaxing in the sunshine!

We then all headed back to the cars so we could quickly go to Kelly and Fitz's house, so we could have a quick drink and drop Kelly back before heading home. Thankfully we didn't hit a lot of traffic, and I was home by eight in the evening - with sunburn!

And that's it for the final day of the Hen Party!! And, if you've not watch it yet, here is the vlog from the whole weekend, including the Bollywood dancing from day two, if you want to have a giggle at it!

Hope you enjoyed a little peek into what we got up to in day three, and have enjoyed the posts about the great weekend we had! And thank you to everyone who's watched the vlog so far! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)
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Hogwarts - The Lilac Linnet | Alisha Valerie


  1. Hahah the bollywood dancing looks so good but I'd be naff at it! I love 2p machines at the arcades. I used to beg my parents for money to use them. Ha.

    Corinne x

    1. It was so much fun to do, even if we all looked like tits doing it!! Arcades are my fave thing and I associate them with summer and holidays now! xx

  2. This must have been so much fun! I had never heard of a Hen Party before, I love it, we call it Bachelorette Party in America. I did the wedding dress out of toilet paper last year for my cousins wedding though frustrating I won, seems like you & your friends had a lovely time. I also love that it was in Brighton, every time i see pictures it just gets better for me I am even thinking about studying abroad there instead of London. Anyway I really enjoyed this!

    - Celeste Xxx

    1. Other than being nervous, I loved it all! I forgot that's the name for it in America!! The toilet paper wedding dress is so much fun to do, and we only had 5 minutes to do it in!
      Brighton is a beautiful place, which I don't visit nearly enough! It's less crowded than London and at least has the beach nearby! :) xx


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