Monday 20 February 2017

Bullet Journal | Monthly & Weekly Layouts

Last month I showed you the inside of my Bullet Journal, and also how I'm doing the 52 Week Saving Challenge with my journal! Now I wanted to show you a little more of my journal, and how I layout my month and weeks to keep on track with things.

Within each month, I have a list calendar of the month to keep track of my work shifts, pay day, birthdays, and any other important events, goals, spending and habits trackers, and a gratitude log.

I've started doing my layout like the above, since December! I like to have a little area for any personal goals or events I have lined up, and then a section for my blog. I like to keep track of my social media stats, so I have a set of montly goals/milestones I'd like to try and achieve each month - which motivates me to work harder.

The blog post tracker is so I can scribble ideas down in pencil and then change it to a colourful pen when I've got it all scheduled - just so I can try and not miss any days!

This tracker is still a work in progress. I'm super happy with the layout and colour schemes... BUT, I have issues with the green and blue columns. I need to find a way to squeeze in another column for my comic books, as that always fills the blue bar up and then I have to add to the side (as you can see!) and I don't like that!

My beauty and fashion bars rarely fill up, so I might start to combine them and use the other three bars for the other things I need! Hopefully can trial a new version for March...

I saw this idea on Pinterest, and fell in love with it. It's sometimes hard for me to find something good in each day, so this has made me focus on that a little more. Even if it's something as small as finding an old song, or spending the day watching movies: it's all something to to look back on!

My final trackers of the month, are this habit tracker, a mini 'home' tracker, and a film tracker. The habits tracker is a good way to track takeouts, workouts and my no spend days - among other things! I like my film tracker, so I can see which films I've watched that month! I'm trying not to watch many doubles this year, so I can go through my whole collection.

My mini tracker is always a bit crap. I always forget to fill this in, so might stop doing this in future months, unless I can figure out a way to make it more memorable.

Next are my weekly layouts, which as much as I like - I never seem to have a theme for them.

I'm always changing the fonts for the days, but I need to find a way to make it all a bit prettier.I use stickers from various Etsy stores to track what days I;m at work or not, plus other stickers for decoration. I do a colour scheme for each week, normally red/orange, pink/purple or blues. No reason as to why, but I just like to to be a little bit colourful each week.

I then use the key to track what needs to be done each day, along with any events or things that have happened that day that I think are worth noting.

So there we have it! That's how my bullet journal is laid out for each month and week. I'm happy with 90% of it, but I still want to change it up so it's better adapted to how I need things to be as of right now. And that's the beauty of a bujo - you can change it as often as you want!

How do you set up your bujo for each month and week? Let me know and share any posts about yous as I love to peek at other people's! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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