Thursday 9 October 2014

Collection 2000, Little Mix, Perrie Lipstick Review

Hello everyone!

So I'm not a massive fan of lipsticks or lip products in general, but this is one that I won in a giveaway from Kirstie's A Yellow Brick Blog back in August. You can however pick it up for £2.99 at Superdrug! I've worn this once and swatched it so I can finally give it a quick review!

To start with, the packaging is pretty simple and other than the 'LM' on the top, the rest is much like the other Collection 2000 lipsticks. I honestly had no idea Little Mix had their own collection in the range until I saw this, even though Collection 2000 is one of my fave brands!

The colour is a deep purple with blue undertones. With the right eye makeup, I think this would lool great for a 'Vampy' look due to the colour. It's smooth on the lips and easy to apply which I liked due to not being all that skilled in applying such products! It wasn't drying like I thought it might, and wasn't sticky - which is a peeve I have with lip products and why I won't wear them.

It is a nice lipstick and I might wear it again as I really like the colour of it, but it's not something I would pick up out of choice. Mainly due to not being a lippy person, but the shade is a little too dark for me to brave! 

Have you tried any of the Little Mix range, and should I try any more of them? Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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